Dragon Nest Level 50 Saint PVP/PVE Skill Build

Posted by Vin Cent On Tuesday, May 21, 2013 0 comments
First of all, the purpose is guide you while you making your Saint Skill build. There are many guides out there you guys can search for and this is only one of that guides. 
Pure PVE Saint Skill Build


Cleric Skill Tree
  • Max Charged Bolt – Charged Bolt have the highest damage in cleric skill tree when it’s on Max. For Charged Bolt, if can’t get level 16 better leave it at level 1 and use on other skill.
  • Block level 2 – Many will ask why block only level 2. The answer is you won’t take more than 3 skills at a time in PVE so you can save SP for other skill
  • Max Physical Mastery – Your heal (not healing relic) will counted from your hp so its better you get more hp to increase the amount of heal you can produce.
  • Max Heal – Saint is a ‘Healer’ class so of course we need to max this.
  • Priest Skill Tree
  • Max Heal Relic – Saint is a ‘Healer’ class and this will be needed for raids and nests
  • Lightning Relic level 6 – It’s a requirement to get Lightning Relic EX and why not level 12? The damage output not worth for your 6 SP. With that 6 SP you can get higher damage output using other skill
  • Max Chain Lightning – For PVE, Chain Lightning damage output is better than detonate. Very High damage output
  • Detonate Level 6 – For PVE, Detonate needed sometime like in GDN and it produce high amount of damage too so why not?
  • Max Holy Burst – Damage output not bad and its good for crowd control in PVE since Holy Burst have a large AOE.
Pure PVP Saint Skill Build


Cleric Skill tree
  • Max Block – We need our block to be max in PVP. The reason is there are many multiple hits attack from other class (Example: Electric Smite from Paladin) if our block only level 2,we won’t block the attack instead getting hit.
  • Holy Bolt level 1 – Holy bolt only needed to bind the enemy not the damage.
  • Max Heal – Very useful in PVP. Can heal teammates or self with quite high amount
  • Charged Bolt level 1 – In PVP, Charged bolt is hard to hit the enemy. That’s why no need to max it.
  • Priest Skill Tree
  • Max Lightning Bolt – This will make a little confuse. Many people ask “Why Go to Saint if we max the lightning bolt?” .The Answer is placed on Holy Shield. Holy Shield really annoying for team PVP if the timing is right while Inquisitor don’t have that. Max lightning bolt is for the greater damage output that can produce in PVP.
  • Lightning Relic level 6 – It’s for taking the Lightning relic ex that pretty annoying in Team PVP
  • Chain Lightning level 1 – We put chain lightning level 1 because chain lightning didn’t produce outstanding damage like in PVE.
  • Max Detonate – In PVP detonate have outstanding damage output than Chain lightning.
  • Max Bind Relic – For longer duration of Bind Relic.
Thanks to http://www.dneternity.com

Dragon Nest Royal White Angel Mod Costume Sorceress

Posted by Vin Cent On Monday, May 20, 2013 0 comments

How to install:

1. Click here -> http://www.mediafire.com/download/tphjtw4afct3wyb/Resource01-soRoyaulClothesEpic.pak

2. Download the correct pak file. The files are all separated to replace your current costume. For example if you are wearing hair then simply download Resource00-.pak. Or you can just download the .rar file that includes all of it.

3. Put the .pak file into your dragon nest folder. For NA, it is C:/Nexon/DragonNest.

4. Start the game and enjoy! Remember to remove the .pak files before patching the game.

Enjoy !! :)

Dragon Nest Kali Guides

Posted by Vin Cent On Saturday, May 18, 2013 0 comments

Dragon Nest Sniper Build Skill PVE LVL 50

Posted by Vin Cent On 0 comments

Skill Tree:

I call this a party build because it's featured by the maxed Bull's Eyes at lv11. At this level, the target's Ranged Defense is reduced by 60%. This debuff works for party members too as long as they use ranged skills. All magical skills are considered as ranged skills.

Important stats:
Physical atk: 3.2k-4.0k
Magical atk: 2.0k-2.7k
Agility: 1.8k
Critical Rate: 12k
Critical Resistance: 19k
Dark attack: 72%

lv40 A  Dawn Manticore Cross Bow (+agi, +int, + dark atk)
lv50 A  Water Spirit Quiver (Wind/Agi)(+agi, +dark atk, +fire atk)

lv50 A Ancient Totem Helm (Agi)
lv50 A Ancient Totem Dress (Life)
lv50 A Ancient Totem Legs (Life)
lv50 A Ancient Totem Gloves (Life)
lv50 A Ancient Totem Boots (Life)

Lv40 A Tough Sylvia Necklace
lv33 A Tough Violet Earings
lv40 A Auror Manticore Rings x2

Skill Crests:
Twin Shots  -  dmg +20%
Charge Shot  -  animation speed +50%
Anckle Shot (Rage Burst)  -  dmg +20%
Critical Break  -  8% chance of CD reset (if u ask why, i'm using this coz it's a gift from ShiroNyan xD)

Enhancement Crests:
lv40 A Life Crest with Agility
lv40 A Health Crest with Agility
lv40 A Wisdom Crest with Agility
lv40 A Destructive Crest with Agility
lv40 A Magical Defense Crest with Agility
lv40 A Critical Crest with Agility

lv40 A Magical Crest with Critical
lv40 A Agility Crest with Critical

Ability Title:
Forest Dancer  -  +5% dark attack

Thanks to Elodie

[Guide] The Furious Mezzanine – 2nd Floor

Posted by Vin Cent On Wednesday, March 27, 2013 0 comments

The Furious Mezzanine – 2nd Floor

Lets take a look at the title for completing all the achievement in The Furious Mezzanine – 2nd Floor.

Attack Power + 60 ~ 60
Magic Power + 60 ~ 60

STR + 40
VIT + 40
AGI + 40
INT + 40

Critical + 100

Final Damage + 30

Obviously, this title beats Ultimate flat, which has only 15 FD as compared to the new title with 30 FD.

For those who don't know, here's a little tidbit- Players with higher than 1000 - 1100 FD will receive a 2 - 3% bonus in damage when changing to this title from Ultimate or Dejected, in other words, its totally worth the effort to get the new title, hence this guide exists.

Well first of all, I've noticed that since the release of 450.Mark Patch, there are less than a handful of people getting this title, at least from what I see in Westwood, being online most of the time or Afishing, I hardly, or in fact, don't see anyone getting this title announcement despite it being a very very very great and highly rated title.

Secondly, I've found out the reason why most people are unable to get this title, which is because the entire achievement list's description is totally misleading and wrong, hence we did a research for one whole day with my guildmates and friends in order to find out the exact and the fastest way to get this title, and now I'm here to share with you all.

Well so what are the requirement to get this title then?

For those who have the Dark Knight title in the achievement list, you do NOT need to fulfill the requirement of fighting your way up from Round 1 - 35 in order to get the title, but you will need 'True winner' in order to get the title though, in other words, you need to complete at F2 at least once to complete the whole thing.

Is there anything we should know beforehand?

Yes, there's only a completion limit of two per week, so its best that if you do not complete all the achievement, leave the dungeon before you finish round 35, or 34 in fact if you're doing achievement run, and restart from 21 again.

So without further ado, lets start from the top of the achievement list to the bottom last one.

Hatred Pirandello Floor 2 Achievement List

Always happy for a new challenge!, I could rest here! and True winner!!!

Self-explanatory, its advised to do this last since you need to complete R35 in order to obtain this title, unless you have a spare run for the week.

Crazy Duck Savior

Obtained if 21 round is cleared without catching the Crazy ducks.

Basically, do not kill any Crazy ducks at the end of Round 25 and Round 30, which is after the bracket's boss (Manticore and Apocalypse).

You may hit the Origin Duck that drops Origins though.

If you're unsure of which can be hit and which cannot be hit, refer to the SS above.

The Golden shining duck a.k.a. Origin Package Duck can be hit while the rest of the black-colored Crazy Duckcannot be hit at all.

 Catched the 4 3 spies.

Obtained if all of the green goblin that randomly comes out at each round are defeated.

Apparently, this is the second hardest achievement of all to obtain and it requires high situational awareness and teamwork. There will be a Green Goblin that spawns randomly from any portal at any stage and have to be killed within a few seconds, otherwise he will disappear and the achievement will be failed.

What you need to know - Separate the entire game into three bracket.

Round 21 - 25, Round 26 - 30, Round 31 - 35 respectively.

In every bracket, there will be one Green Goblin that comes out randomly, for example, it can be Round 21, 27, and 33.

They will come out randomly at one of the white portals.

Strategy - Assign every party member at each side of the map (north, south, east, west), and the key to finding the Green Goblin is that whenever at the beginning of a new round, if he spawns, there will be a war horn sound blowing just like the one you hear at DOK/DOTC.

Below is a video to show how to detect and kill the Green Goblin (I'm not sure if i recorded the sound since my comp is pretty screwed, apologies )

NOTE : All the party members have to on their in-game Dragon Nest Sound to hear the war drum.

There's a bug with the Green Goblin whereby they don't spawn at all the possible rounds in the 3rd bracket, this is definitely a bug from the dev's side and if you encounter this, you're just unlucky.

They will not spawn at mission stage like Round 23 (White Hermia) as well.

They will not spawn at survival stages like Round 31 (Mushroom Stage), Round 27 (Lich Stage).

They will not spawn at Boss stages as well, like Round 25 (Manticore), Round 31 (Apocalypse).

He will have a ! mark just like the provoke sign, so its easier to notice him with that. Refer to SS below.

Hatred Pirandello 2 floor challenge mission completed.

Complete all the Hatred Pirandello 2 floor mission.

You don't say ask

[Mission Challenge] - Four Card.

Round 26. Basically, just kill all the small mobs a.k.a. Hatred Dark Elf, and leave all the four purple-named bosses alive. Refer to SS below.

NOTE : Just like Round 32, this stage is random, there are 3 different random stage for Round 26 IIRC.

 [Mission Challenge] - Gold Mimic's Curse.

Obtained if every mimic is eliminated within 30 seconds and lose the draw from the event box.

Round 28.

This is the hardest achievement after Goblin Spy's achievement in the whole of P2 Hatred, and has the most misleading description of all as well, this is also one of the main reason why most people couldn't get the achievement title so here goes.

Refer to the SS above.

Basically, to put it simply, you have to kill it in this order - Gold Mimic Chest Boss a.k.a. the Royal Chest boss first, followed by the Pirate boss a.k.a. Captain Darlant, then finally the small Hatred Mimic mob.

In order not to confuse anyone, the trick is that at least one Hatred Mimic mob must be alive so you can complete the killing order.

Strategy - One member lure away as many Hatred Mimic as you can to one side of the map, the rest kills the Gold Mimic boss first followed by Darlant, then finally clear the field. Its okay to kill a few Hatred Mimic during the crossfire in the boss' fight as long as the bunch of mobs at the aggro holder's side is safe.

Then of course the last part, choose the wrong chest, no trick involved here, just pure luck, get the wrong one and congratulations, you've cleared the hardest achievement of the entire dungeon, get the right one? Leave the dungeon and rush your way to Round 28, rinse and repeat

NOTE : I've heard many saying that they followed the requirements above and still didn't get the achievement, according to me testing it myself for more than x rounds while helping most players in Westwood to get it, I've encountered 0% failure rate and 100% success rate WHEN killing them in order and getting the wrong chest with rotten meats, so unless I'm being too lucky on a not-confirmed method/highest-possibility-to-achieve method, something must have gone wrong on your side, just re-do.

This achievement has absolutely nothing to do with the 30-second requirement stated or any time factor as well.

 [Mission Challenge] - Pungent Red Mushroom.

There will be like four to six (can't remember the exact amount of red mushrooms) spreaded evenly across the map just like the green ones, just kill all the red ones ASAP and its okay to kill the green ones as well.

 [Mission Challenge] - Saving Blan.

Actually this is kinda straightforward, but you need luck as well since you will get either Zebrill or this stage randomly at Round 32, just kill all the monsters and protect the small Cyclops and you're done.

♥ [Mission Challenge] - Stone's rolling!!

Obtained if 4 half Golems are killed in 10 seconds.

Once again, misleading description is misleading, you don't have to kill all of them in 10 seconds, its impossible technically since the time all 5 takes to spawn is more than 10 seconds as well.

Just like the lizard stage of SDN, kill all five of them within 10 seconds and you're done.

Strategy - Lower all of their HP in sync, then lure all of them into the middle as near as possible, use your biggest AoE skill/Ultimate and you're done.

Well, that's about it for the entire achievement list! Do note that it takes really lots of luck and patience to do it, if you're unlucky, you might take few hours or so, if you're lucky, one round/20-30 minutes will settle it.

 Tips to make your life easier in your conquest to getting Removing Darkness.

Not encouraging discrimination, but the best line-up you could get to make your life easier.

♦ Saleana / Elestra (Fire Elestra)

Nope, nothing to do with double-freezing, but double freezing is quite effective at certain stage. Flame Road and Fireball are the key here to making your life easier, with elements affecting your damage and the massive AoE and damage of Flame Road and Fireball respectively, you will need them to speed up certain stage for ya.

♦ Physician and Academics in General

Massive heal in Dark Lair, Love Virus, element infused skills, big AoE of Magma Wave and Icicle Expression, what else can you ask for?

Auto Dispenser, best effect with Skill Ring +1.

♦ Mercenary in general.
Battle Howl, obviously. Oh and Howl Charging, a well-timed HC with a good situation awareness Merc is a plus.

♦ Priest (Inquisitor preferably)

Consecration is a very effective utility, Cure relics and Healing relics as well.

Bind Relic to hold a certain mobs at certain stage, Lightning Relic to lure everything into middle in case you guys wanna rush.

♦ Force User in general.

Beyond Time, OP Laser Cutter, element infused skills of Majesty and Mirrors, what else?

♦ Paladin in general.

Conviction/Elemental Auras, element infused skills, great synergy with Inquisitor.

You can actually lure everything into the middle for better clearing if you have great AoE companions.

Aaaaand, those Red Mushroom ???? Flavor gives you a random 30 sec Spirit Boost, 80% CD reduction buff or Divine Avatar.

Oh and did you know, Love Virus invincible effect affects ALL the mobs at Dark Lair 2 including Geraint, not all mobs can be induced with frozen status.

Thanks to xRavey - http://forum.cherrycredits.com

Dragon Nest Archer Mod Bikini Costume + Hair Mod

Posted by Vin Cent On Monday, February 4, 2013 0 comments

Strawberry Bikini set 
How to install:

1. Click the link > http://www.mediafire.com/?61e9nm92hnfayn8

2. Download the correct pak file. The files are all separated to replace your current costume. For example if you are wearing bikini set then simply download the right pak. Or you can just download the .rar file that includes all of it.

3. Put the .pak file into your dragon nest folder. For NA, it is C:/Nexon/DragonNest.

4. Start the game and enjoy! Remember to remove the .pak files before patching the game.