SEO Tips from Google Itself

Posted by Vin Cent On Thursday, May 10, 2012 0 comments
If you are new to SEO Google just released a video with some basics mistakes you should avoid and six tips you should apply on your website if you want better rankings. If you have been working with SEO for some time you won’t find anything new here, but it might be a refresher and remind you about the factors that Google considers to be important. You can watch the video below:

If you are in a hurry here are the 6 tips:

1. Do something cool: Make sure your site stands out from the competition.

2. Include relevant words in your copy: Try to put yourself in the shoes of searchers.

3. Be smart about your tags and site architecture.

4. Sign up for email forwarding in Webmaster Tools to get notified by Google if anything is wrong.

5. Attract buzz: Natural links, +1s, likes, follows… all these can help.

6. Stay fresh and relevant: Keep content up-to-date on your site to keep receiving organic traffic.

Hope It Help !! 


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