Manticore Nest Abyss Solo Guide

Posted by Vin Cent On Friday, August 31, 2012 0 comments

This guide is NOT a Manticore Nest Guide

If you’re looking for a GENERAL Manticore Nest Guide

This guide is more for people who are learning to Solo the nest and it gives you some advice as well as some tips that you can employ while tackling the nest solo.

Of course it still teaches you about the nest ; I mean if you can solo it then it should be the same in a party.

The title only gives a bunch of stats ; so most players will want to get it as a covering title rather than for it’s usefulness.

I’ll give a general run down on each boss and what to look out for here.

1st Boss - Stone Gargoyle or Rotten Rock Demon

Avoid fightning monsters or boss at the central area (Heals them for 6000HP per)
Avoid the Green AOE marker cast by boss on the floor (Traps you)
Avoid going close to the boss when he casts his poison fumes (300-500 poison dmg)

In general, 1st boss is a easy boss fight, try not to lose more than 20% HP in this area.

2nd Boss - Minotaur Gang (4 Minotaurs 4 Cages)

Isolate yourself from other minotaurs by fighting the minotaurs at 1 of the cage locations (preferably the first one)
Small DPS Race (Kill the minotaur 1 by 1 as fast as possible)
Some luck factor in place (Depends on which cage open first ; the order at which they open matter too)
Concept for isolation is due to the multiple buffs the minotaurs can cast on one another (defense + attack)

In general, 2nd boss fight is about isolating the minotaurs to prevent them from buffing one another. 1 minotaur is much easier to handle than 4 minotaurs obviously.

3rd Boss - Naga Queen

It is crucial for you to use this area to regain back your HP
Mechanicsm in place here is that you regain 2100HP for 4 ticks if you’re standing in the correct corresponding platform (watch video for pictorial view of it)
Don’t worry about the AOE skill used by the boss during the platform activation stage as it will outheal the dmg done.
Make sure you leave with 100% HP before going on to the stone golem boss
Hit & Run Tactic = easy boss

In general, the 3rd boss fight is easy, just don’t get caught by the poison debuff by the minion lizardman which will slow you down to make hit and running difficult.

4th Boss - Stone Golem

Boss has invincibility shield
Destroy dark crystals before attempting to kill the stone golem minions
Stone Golem minions dead = invincibility shield gone
Invincibility shield will go up again a 2nd time shortly after
Chance to drop HP/MP/Defense/Attack food (random chance) during 2nd spawning of minions (usually get the same type of food but chance to get a variation
Difficult boss ; hits hard and takes awhile to kill

In general, avoid the boss 4 main attacks.

1. Stone Throw (Easy to dodge)

2. Frontal Cleave Attack (Waves some rocks at you ; stay behind boss to prevent yourself from getting hit)

3. Slam down + Shockwave

4. Rolling Attack (Easy to dodge)

5th Boss - Manticore

I’ll explain it in terms of what you have to watch out for with relevance to the hp bars

5X HP Bar
Use tumble/dodge skills only for his frontal claw slash
Poison dart skill won’t hit you if you’re close to the boss
Don’t stand at the back of the boss (you will get tail swiped)
If boss flies up , he will immediately land, get ready to jump if you don’t have any defensive skill

3X HP Bar
Boss will start to use whirlwind (Recognise it ; he will rise up and claw the air, will end of with a hindleg kick)
Possibly blackhole as well
The abovementioned skills will still happen.

2X - ZERO HP Bar
Boss will start using the gravity acension skill
Look out for Gravity Acension skill + whirlwind Combo
Slam Dunk +Crecent Cleave Attack will start to occur
Should boss fly up, get ready to keep moving to avoid waves of gravity balls coming at you
Get ready to jump up into the air after you see the 2nd wave of balls land
All the earlier abovementioned skills will still occur

Destroyer Skill Build

Posted by Vin Cent On Wednesday, August 22, 2012 0 comments

First of all , I would like to emphasis that Skill Builds are very unique and meant to be cope with gamers' play style. So , take this as a guide line but don't follow it solely.

Before going into details of the Destroyer Build, as usual, I will show the description of the 3 new skills first.

  • Breaking Point: Chance to break enemy superarmor and deal critical hits. 15% chance, cd 7sec.
  • Flying Swing EX: Enhanced flying swing, deal additional aftershock damage. AOE significantly improved.
  • Maelstorm Howl: Suck the enemy around him towards himself and howl to deal heavy damage. While sucking, phy and mag damage received is reduced by 70%. Phy dmg 494.8%+2638. CD 45sec at Lv1. The suction damage ignores target’s invincibility, guardian shield etc.

Ok let’s take a look at the build now.

As you can see from the build, it ignores really many skills. Why? Because this is a build for PvP! So many howl skills are not learnt. How can it benefit a party when it comes to Dungeons and Nests? Another reason is there are still quite many SP left. You can play around with the skill simulator in my blog too.


  • Circle Break – Ignored because Mercenaries has many other better attack skills.
  • Rising Slash – Lv 6 for 2nd hit activation in this skill.
  • Relieve – Lv 4 for lower cooldown.
  • Dash – Lv 4. Too many SPs are needed elsewhere like Stomp.
  • Sweeping Kick – Lv 1. I didn’t PvP much so I don’t really know much about this. Maybe it is good in PvP. Not worth adding this high.
  • Drop Kick – Lv 1. For PvP. Not worth adding this high.
  • Soccer Kick – Lv 1. For PvP and pre-requisite. Not worth adding this high.
  • Aerial Evasion – Lv 3. Either Lv 3 or 4 is fine. Personal preference for cool down time.
  • Physical Mastery/Mental Mastery/Mental Training – Everything ignored. In PvP, the HP and Mana values are not the same as when you do PvE. So after hitting a certain value, you won’t see much difference when in PvP.

  • [Mercenary]
  • Stomp – Lv 11. In my opinion, Lv 10 is already enough because from lv 10 to 11, the slow % on enemies is still 40. Perhaps this build wanted more damage on Stomp.
  • Whirlwind – Lv 2. For more damage I suppose. But the maximum level attainable at character lv 50 is lv 7 for Whirlwind. As you can see, playing PvP sacrifices many useful skills. So do plan out your build properly.
  • Crisis Howl – Lv 5. In my opinion, lv 1 is already enough. The damage is not that great. Most probably, he wanted much faster cool down for this skill to be able to retaliate in PvP.
  • Toughness – Ignored. I am also unsure of the PvP system. Issues with Defense and Damage received? Maybe you all didn’t hear this before. In DN TW, some players PvP using gears bought from the blacksmith. People call those gears “BeiLin Equip”. I don’t know the English name of the blacksmith, probably Baylin or something lol. The reason why people use those gears is because they want a fair PvP match and not let those with lousier gears to have disadvantages. So maybe this skill is ignored due to this reason?
  • Soccer Kick Combo – Lv 1. For PvP.
  • Panic Howl – Lv 2. Probably not enough SP to add higher to support teammates in mass PvP.
  • Iron Skin – Lv 1. I don’t understand >.< Lv 1 only reduces damage received by 20%. Lv 3 reduces 40% and Lv 4 reduces 45%. You can see a significant increase in those numbers. The thing is the % is damage reduction and not defense values. So even if you are wearing “BeiLin Equip”, you will still benefit greatly from this skill.

  • [Destroyer]
  • Breaking Point – Lv 1. 13% chance or Lv 2 for 15% chance. You decide. Good skill to interrupt players’ skill casting in PvP.
  • Flying Swing EX – Ignored. Not sure of the reason too. In fact, the cast time did not change and the AOE is increased. Normally, I see people using Flying Swing in 1-1 PvP is when the opponent is not movable. Probably in 1-1, the increased AoE doesn’t matter?
  • Maelstorm Howl – Ignored. Maybe due to the cast time? I don’t see any bad issue on this skill though.

That’s all for now. Feel free to comment. You may want to provide feedback. Thanks alot!

Dragon Nest Warrior Mercenary Barbarian Skill Build

Posted by Vin Cent On 0 comments

First of all , I would like to emphasis that Skill Builds are very unique and meant to be cope with gamers' play style. So , take this as a guide line but don't follow it solely.

Before going into details of the Barbarian Build, as usual, I will show the description of the 3 new skills first.

  • Heat Combo: 12% Chance at lvl2 to inflict additional phy. damage equal to your attack status. CD 7sec.
  • Stomp EX: Enhanced version of Stomp, with improved AOE. The 2nd wave of stomp EX deal 30% additional damage and also induce slow effect.
  • Bone Crash: Leap into the air and deal phy dmg 395.6%+1740 at lv1, cd 35sec. Induce “bone break” effect which deals additional 239 damage per hit for 10sec. Damage increase applies even if the target is hit by your party member. Direction can be controlled in air too.

Alright, let’s take a look at the build.

Before I start, I wish to state that this build given is mainly for PvE because certain skills like Rising Slash and Drop Kick, which are good in PvP are ignored. The build shown also has 23 SP remaining.

Warrior Skills

  • Circle Break – Ignored in the build because Mercenary has really too many skills to spam.
  • Impact Wave – Ignored because of same reason as above and it is a magic type attack skill.
  • Rising Slash – Ignored because Mercenary has really too many skills to spam.
  • Heavy Slash – Lv 5 in this build. Pre-requisite for skills in Mercenary Tree.
  • Relieve – This skill was raised to level 4 because of the lower cooldown, but not max-ed on 5. Points were used on Dash Kick.
  • Dash – Lv 5 max-ed.
  • Dash Kick – Lv 3. I am not sure why this is added because it seems like a useless skill. I would use the SP from here on Drop Kick or Rising Slash or Relieve. This skill is learnt probably as a consequential attack after Dashing. Normally, people would use Dash Upper to attack right after Dash but since this build wanted to focus more on howls, there isn’t enough SP to add Dash Upper and Soccer Kick Combo.
  • Physical Mastery/Mental Mastery/Mental Training – In this build, all 3 skills are max-ed. Personal preference again to see if you need SP else where. Refer to discussion on other Warrior Skills above.

  • Mercenary Skills
  • Taunting Howl – Lv 4. Probably added for additional duration and better debuffing capabilities. Another Barbarian build which I am in favour of is the one in MMOsite forum. He is one of the strongest Barbarian in DN CN and has killed the Sea Dragon before. He added lv 10 for Taunting Howl. Do check out his guide for more reference. I realise it really makes quite a big difference when this skill is raised high. Duration 15 seconds, cooldown 25.5 seconds. Debuff damage by 20% and critical by 40% and the skill is usable again after just 10.5 seconds. Simply Amazing. Do also note that there is a new update to limit (80%) how much damage-received reduction you can debuff on a monster. So using lv 10 Taunting Howl with Devastating Howl will no longer give you 100% damage-received reduction.
  • Stomp – Lv 11 to unlock Stomp Ex.
  • Disenchanting Howl – Lv 3. Better debuffing. Nuff said.
  • Battle Howl – Lv 4 instead of max-ed. Probably needed more points in Taunting Howl and Disenchanting Howl for balance.
  • Whirlwind/Rolling Attack – Both only at lv 3. This build focuses more on support, that is why the damage is not taken into consideration.
  • Iron Skin – Lv 5. From lv 4 to 5, the increase is 2.5% and not 5% from lv 1 to 4 per level. That is the reason why some people may prefer to stick to lv 4 and use the SP elsewhere.
  • Panic Howl – Lv 1. Personal preference whether to increase or not.
  • Devastating Howl – IMO, lv 1 is enough but this build is at lv 2.

  • Barbarian Skills
  • Stomp EX – Lv 1. To learn this skill, Stomp is at lv 11 with 40% speed debuff. With the enhanced AOE and additional 30% damage, this skill seems like not a bad skill. But there are people who don’t like it as well, thinking that it is not necessary. Previously while playing Force User, I tried using Slow Area at lv 1 with 40% speed debuff and I don’t really see much a difference. Maybe it is just me. Judge by yourself if you want this additional speed debuff and 30% damage or do you want better supportive capabilities by improving your howls or even better damage by improving your Whirlwind and Rolling Attack.
  • Heat Combo – Lv 2 for 12% activation chance. If you think 10% is enough, reduce to lv 1 instead.
  • Bone Crash – Lv 1. Please please don’t drop this skill. It is a very important skill. Looking at the description and you will know how much it benefits a party.

That’s all for now. Feel free to comment. You may want to provide feedback. Thanks alot!