Destroyer Skill Build

Posted by Vin Cent On Wednesday, August 22, 2012 0 comments

First of all , I would like to emphasis that Skill Builds are very unique and meant to be cope with gamers' play style. So , take this as a guide line but don't follow it solely.

Before going into details of the Destroyer Build, as usual, I will show the description of the 3 new skills first.

  • Breaking Point: Chance to break enemy superarmor and deal critical hits. 15% chance, cd 7sec.
  • Flying Swing EX: Enhanced flying swing, deal additional aftershock damage. AOE significantly improved.
  • Maelstorm Howl: Suck the enemy around him towards himself and howl to deal heavy damage. While sucking, phy and mag damage received is reduced by 70%. Phy dmg 494.8%+2638. CD 45sec at Lv1. The suction damage ignores target’s invincibility, guardian shield etc.

Ok let’s take a look at the build now.

As you can see from the build, it ignores really many skills. Why? Because this is a build for PvP! So many howl skills are not learnt. How can it benefit a party when it comes to Dungeons and Nests? Another reason is there are still quite many SP left. You can play around with the skill simulator in my blog too.


  • Circle Break – Ignored because Mercenaries has many other better attack skills.
  • Rising Slash – Lv 6 for 2nd hit activation in this skill.
  • Relieve – Lv 4 for lower cooldown.
  • Dash – Lv 4. Too many SPs are needed elsewhere like Stomp.
  • Sweeping Kick – Lv 1. I didn’t PvP much so I don’t really know much about this. Maybe it is good in PvP. Not worth adding this high.
  • Drop Kick – Lv 1. For PvP. Not worth adding this high.
  • Soccer Kick – Lv 1. For PvP and pre-requisite. Not worth adding this high.
  • Aerial Evasion – Lv 3. Either Lv 3 or 4 is fine. Personal preference for cool down time.
  • Physical Mastery/Mental Mastery/Mental Training – Everything ignored. In PvP, the HP and Mana values are not the same as when you do PvE. So after hitting a certain value, you won’t see much difference when in PvP.

  • [Mercenary]
  • Stomp – Lv 11. In my opinion, Lv 10 is already enough because from lv 10 to 11, the slow % on enemies is still 40. Perhaps this build wanted more damage on Stomp.
  • Whirlwind – Lv 2. For more damage I suppose. But the maximum level attainable at character lv 50 is lv 7 for Whirlwind. As you can see, playing PvP sacrifices many useful skills. So do plan out your build properly.
  • Crisis Howl – Lv 5. In my opinion, lv 1 is already enough. The damage is not that great. Most probably, he wanted much faster cool down for this skill to be able to retaliate in PvP.
  • Toughness – Ignored. I am also unsure of the PvP system. Issues with Defense and Damage received? Maybe you all didn’t hear this before. In DN TW, some players PvP using gears bought from the blacksmith. People call those gears “BeiLin Equip”. I don’t know the English name of the blacksmith, probably Baylin or something lol. The reason why people use those gears is because they want a fair PvP match and not let those with lousier gears to have disadvantages. So maybe this skill is ignored due to this reason?
  • Soccer Kick Combo – Lv 1. For PvP.
  • Panic Howl – Lv 2. Probably not enough SP to add higher to support teammates in mass PvP.
  • Iron Skin – Lv 1. I don’t understand >.< Lv 1 only reduces damage received by 20%. Lv 3 reduces 40% and Lv 4 reduces 45%. You can see a significant increase in those numbers. The thing is the % is damage reduction and not defense values. So even if you are wearing “BeiLin Equip”, you will still benefit greatly from this skill.

  • [Destroyer]
  • Breaking Point – Lv 1. 13% chance or Lv 2 for 15% chance. You decide. Good skill to interrupt players’ skill casting in PvP.
  • Flying Swing EX – Ignored. Not sure of the reason too. In fact, the cast time did not change and the AOE is increased. Normally, I see people using Flying Swing in 1-1 PvP is when the opponent is not movable. Probably in 1-1, the increased AoE doesn’t matter?
  • Maelstorm Howl – Ignored. Maybe due to the cast time? I don’t see any bad issue on this skill though.

That’s all for now. Feel free to comment. You may want to provide feedback. Thanks alot!


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